1. Manab sasthwa main chotti deshi mochlee ko poson guno-o ko mohatwa (in hindi)

by Mohanty, B.P; Behera, B. K; Sharma, A.P.

Publisher: Barrackpore CIFRI 2011Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY (1).

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2. Nutritional significance of small indigenous fishes in human health

by Mohanty, B. P; Behera, B. K; Sarma, A. P.

Publisher: Barrackpore CIFRI 2011Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY (1).

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3. Manab sasthwa main chotti deshi mochlee ko poson guno-o ko mohatwa

by Mohanty, B.P; Behera, B. K; Sharma, A.P.

Publisher: Barrackpore CIFRI 2011Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY (1).

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Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute